Joshua T Kalis he/him/his

I build great teams and excellent software.


1. Very Imperative


Count all entries, in data, with the color 'Blue'.

var data = require("./data.json");

function countBlue () {
  // Problem 1 - using variables outside it's scope
  // Problem 2 - tightly coupled to accomplishing one task
  var counter = 0, i = 0, len = data.length;

  // performance optimized for loop
  for (i; i < len; i++) {
    if (data[i].Color === "blue") {

  return counter + " Color blue found.";

console.log(countBlue()); // Solved, no problem...

2. Imperative (but getting better)

(New) Requirements: The color to be counted is not defined yet, so make it so that the color can be passed in or changed whenever.

Uh ohs.


Count all entries, in a given list, with a given color.

function countColor (data, color) {
  // Problem 1 - tightly coupled to counting based on a specific attribute
  // Problem 2 - the value of the attribute must be exactly one value ever
  var counter = 0, i = 0, len = data.length;

  // performance optimized for loop
  for (i; i < len; i++) {
    if (data[i].Color === color) {

  return counter + " Color " + color + " found.";

console.log(countColor(data, "green")); // Easy, peasy.

3. Absctracted

(New) Requirements: Counting colors has gotten to be boring, lets count something else sometimes. Make it so the attribute can be passed in too.



Count all entries that have a given attribute with a given value.

function countAttributeWithValue (data, attr, test) {
  // Problem 1 - restricted to only one attribute being tested
  // Problem 2 - restricted to only one attribute value tested
  var counter = 0, i = 0, len = data.length;

  // performance optimized for loop
  for (i; i < len; i++) {
    if (data[i][attr] === test) {

  return counter + " " + attr + " " + test + " found.";

console.log(countAttributeWithValue(data, "Color", "green")); // doin' good.

4. Much Better

(New) Requirement: Finer grained results are need, multiple values need to be checked per entry. Get it done quick!

Bollocks! (sorry for the profanity)


Count all entries that have the color 'green' and an Author containing the letter 'a'.

function condition1 (item) {

  return item.Color === "green" && /a/.test(item.Author);

function countBasedOnTest (data, fn) {
  // Problem 1 - a lot of code to counting elements in an array
  // Problem 2 - still just a counter function; what about doing something
  //             with the entries found?
  var counter = 0, i = 0, len = data.length;

  // performance optimized for loop
  for (i; i < len; i++) {
    if (fn(data[i])) {

  return counter + " found based on passed in test function.";

console.log(countBasedOnTest(data, condition1)); // Under control.

4.1. More Complexity

(New) Requirements: Add another conditon to the result set; add entry with an 'Author' containing a: 'z', 'x', 'y', 'w', or 'q'.

No problem, way ahead of ya.


(read above)

function condition2 (item) {
  return (/[zxywq]/).test(item.Author);

function condition_1_or_2 (item) {
  return condition1(item) || condition2(item);

console.log(countBasedOnTest(data, condition_1_or_2));

5. Best


Writing less code provides for fewer CHANCES for bugs. You only have to write the code that actually matters to the desired outcome.


6. Go Further


Garbage data has infected the 'real' data, that must be filtered out before getting results; 'Hacker, Lee T' is not a valid 'Author'.

function notHacker (item) {
  return item.Author !== "Hacker, Lee T.";

// Problem 1 - iterating over the array for each filter function

6.1. Custom Composition

function cleanDataAndConditions (item) {
  return notHacker(item) && (condition1(item) || condition2(item));
