Joshua T Kalis he/him/his
I build great teams and excellent software.
What is Hypermedia?
That's a good question...
Isn't it usually the case that when this statement is uttered, the person who delivered it doesn't have an answer?
What is Hypermedia?
... as it pertains to HTTP APIs.
Hypermedia is defined by the presence of application control information embedded within, or as a layer above, the presentation of information. ~ Fielding
... ok ...
Hypermedia is a very general idea of documents or resources linked together ~ Matt Nagi (HipChat conversation)
Hypermedia means... links.
Hypermedia = data + metadata
A resource representation, including links (URLs) to additional actions (affordances) and optionally related resources.
Metadata / Links
Codify knowledge into the API so that developers can use it. Let developers be lazy and not know all of your API to use a small part of it.
Some Rules
- URL construction should not be knowledge that must be shared between producer and consumer; knowing about URLs is better left to the producer only.
- A resource representation should link to affordances. - How to interact with the affordances should be documented.
- Documentation of a resource should be linked within a resource response to help developers learn more about the current resource; if and when needed.
These examples will ignore Hypermedia specifications to start out. These examples are only to illustrate concepts not suggest a data format to be used.
URL Construction
Plain Resource API Response
"Name": "Snoopy",
"Movies": [
"Id": 298750,
"Title": "Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown"
"Id": 298751,
"Title": "He's a Bully, Charlie Brown"
Hypermedia-ized API Response
"Name": "Snoopy",
"URL": "/characters/snoopy",
"Movies": [
"Title": "Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown",
"URL": "/movies/298750"
"Title": "He's a Bully, Charlie Brown",
"URL": "/movies/298751"
URL Construction (cont.)
If you provide a link to another resource, within a resource representation, and don't require the API consumer to know what is available ahead of time, the consumer and provider will be less coupled together.
HINT: less coupling is a good thing in this case.
Every time your API changes, in a breaking way, that gives consumers reason to evaluate options that do not include using your service.
Link to Affordances
Plain Resource API Response
"Name": "Snoopy"
Hypermedia-ized API Response
"Name": "Snoopy",
"Affordances": [
"Afford": "Get a list of movies for this character.",
"Method": "GET",
"URL": "/movies?character=snoopy"
"Afford": "Update information about this character.",
"Method": "PUT",
"URL": "/character/snoopy"
Plain Resource API Response
"Name": "Snoopy"
Hypermedia-ized API Response
"Name": "Snoopy",
"Documentation": "/docs.other.domain/characters"
Hypermedia Standards (media-types)
Custom? Yes, you may find that the standards that have been defined may not fit your use case and you may choose to define your own. If you do, you should write a specification for it and your team and consumers should know about it.
Hypermedia Clients
One goal of Hypermedia is to be consumed by software, known as Hypermedia API Clients.